Dive Brief:
Target Corp. has tapped Brad Maiorino, chief information security and information technology risk officer at General Motors, to be chief information security officer as of June 16.
The position is a newly elevated position, a move that comes after a massive data security breach late last year that continues to dog the company.
Maiorino will report to freshly appointed chief information officer Bob DeRodes, formerly a technology consultant who has worked for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, the U.S. Department of Defense, and the U.S. Department of Justice.
Dive Insight:
The move to elevate the position of chief information security officer and turn to a highly experienced information security officer from outside the company was influenced by outside forces. It comes after proxy advisory firm Institutional Shareholder Services advised the retailer to oust seven of its 10 directors for what it said was a failure to manage data security risks.