Dive Brief:
Sunday-circular app Retale has garnered $12 million in funding, which the company said it will use in part to expand globally.
Chicago-based Retale, whose parent company is German media company Bonial Group, allows shoppers to browse Sunday circulars for deals by aggregating circulars for easy perusal.
The company says it anticipates that the Apple Watch will lead to another wave of expansion, and that the funding will also go to beefing up its engineering capabilities.
Dive Insight:
Retale uses location-based technology to get relevant information to consumers and its retail partners, which now include Macy’s, Kohl’s, Best Buy, Toys 'R' Us, Target, Family Dollar, h.h. gregg, JCPenney, RadioShack and others. These businesses pay Retale only if they benefit from the app.
The company has grown significantly in just a year and a half, and says that wearables will just accelerate that. But consumers are funny creatures — so far they seem to prefer paper coupons over mobile ones, for example. It remains to be seen whether browsing Sunday circulars on a phone or a watch is the wave of the future.