Dive Brief:
Staples has announced that it will no longer open on Thanksgiving Day.
The retailer said the move will allow employees and customers to stay home to enjoy family and friends, without any major impact to its business.
Opening on Thanksgiving has become increasingly more common as retailers have jostled to capture holiday dollars, but the practice has also garnered a backlash from those who say it sullies the holiday.
Dive Insight:
This move by Staples could be a sign that it’s not worth it to be open on Thanksgiving. Several more retailers were open for business on the holiday last year, and research shows that younger shoppers like millennials like to shop on that day.
But studies also show that retailers don’t really capture added sales, with holiday spending simply getting spread throughout the Black Friday weekend.
Retailers like Costco that have remained steadfast against opening Thanksgiving have garnered praise for keeping their stores closed to the holiday commerce rush.
"We want our customers and associates to enjoy Thanksgiving their own way," Demos Parneros, Staples president of North American stores and online commerce, said in a statement.