Dive Brief:
Several retailers have set out back-to-school specials before the bell even rings out the end of the year for some schools.
Clothing, general, and office-supply retailers are trying to widen the time between consumer spending on back to school supplies and Christmas presents.
But experts say the move may not work, in part because consumers are simply getting used to being able to access sales and price promotions all year round.
Dive Insight:
It always seems a bit ludicrous when Christmas decorations come out as early as Halloween — one crafts retailer is getting a jump on things this year by putting them out now.
Here comes a manufactured back-to-school rush. But that may be ill-advised, partly because the psychology is so different and partly because price promotions are now a year-round phenomenon. Many consumers are anxious to get Christmas shopping done, lists checked off. But at the end of the school year, hardly anyone — kids or parents alike — wants to think about school. And when it comes to clothes, a parent doesn’t really know what size their sun-kissed kids will even fit into by the end of the summer.