Dive Brief:
It looks like it took about a week and 27,000 signatures for Victoria’s Secret to change up its new “The Perfect Body" campaign.
The lingerie and apparel retailer suffered a backlash for its images of a team of skinny models with the words “The Perfect Body” superimposed on top.
The retailer made no announcement, but Twitter and other social media exploded Thursday as people noticed the words have been changed to “A Body for Every Body.”
Dive Insight:
Those who where demanding a change and an apology via social media, Change.org, blog posts, and statements to the media have largely declared victory. But many are still campaigning for the retailer to issue an apology. Several have also noted that the image it’s using — of very skinny models without much variation in body type — remains problematic.
Victoria’s Secret may indeed want to take a close look at its marketing approach, and not just to avoid controversy. American Eagle’s Aerie brand has recently eschewed Photoshop edits in its ads and has received a very positive response, including an increase in sales.