Dive Brief:
While women do control most household spending, men are tied with women when it comes to e-commerce and actually shop more on mobile, according to research by BI Intelligence. The report, “The Pulse of Digital,” analyzed information from comScore, SeeWhy, Extrabux, Greenfiled, and others.
More women (57%) than men (52%) bought something online last year, but more men bought using phones (22% vs. 18%), and more men bought using tablets (20% vs. 17%), according to the report.
Women do more browsing (62.5% vs 24.7%) and look for coupons and deals 43% more often than men do, research found.
Dive Insight:
While it’s widely accepted that women shop more than men, that’s largely because women are doing the household spending, taking care of family members, and essentially doing some of that shopping for men. It turns out that there’s a good chance that men are shopping when they’re on their phones or tablets, and it’s likely they’re not getting the best deal they could on whatever it is.