Dive Brief:
There will be a wave of 3.4 million new online shoppers propelled in part by mobile, as well as more consumers shopping on mobile overall, according to Forrester Research. This accounts for some of the 13% increase in web sales that Forrester Research expects in November and December.
In the next two months, Americans will do 14% of their retail spending online, accounting for $89 billion in web sales for November and December, according to a report by the marketing and business research firm. That will be some 30% of web retail spending for the year, according to Forrester vice president Sucharita Mulpuru.
The projected holiday sales bump is smaller than recent years though; online holiday sales have grown 15% for the past three years and 16% in 2010.
Dive Insight:
A shorter holiday season is one reason that web sales growth will be a bit softer this year, according to Forrester’s report. In addition, many brick-and-mortar retailers have already begun to get assertive about holiday sales by keeping prices low and advertising shipping options like in-store pick-up that challenge typical e-commerce customer expectations.