Dive Brief:
FedEx Corp. will take into account bulk as well as weight for its ground-package shipping services, which could translate into shipping increases for at least one third of its ground shipments in the United States.
Before the change, only packages measuring three cubic feet or more triggered higher shipping fees. Actual increases will vary according to a retailer’s deal with the shipping company.
UPS could seek a competitive edge by declining to join FedEx in the increase, but traditionally the two shippers have followed each other’s suit in these matters.
Dive Insight:
This increase will have a major impact on retailers, especially those moving toward the lower-cost and free shipping that consumers have demanded. In fact, any retailer working to expand its e-commerce operations will have to decide whether to charge more for shipping, or let the increase eat into the bottom line. This is a tale of woe for retailers, except, perhaps, for brick-and-mortar stores.