Dive Brief:
Earlier this month, artisan-happy online marketplace Etsy changed its home page from one curated by members to one run by algorithms.
Senior product marketing manager Brittany Williams says the new approach “democratizes” the site, using favorites and past purchases as well as trending and seasonal “favorites.”
A discussion on this change by Etsy has mixed opinions, with many users complaining about the usability and aesthetics of the new approach.
Dive Insight:
Sellers in particular are complaining that Etsy’s new landing page is too “big brother” and too much of a departure from its homey, user-oriented community approach. Some sellers have started a change.org petition urging Etsy to change back. Etsy has an especially loyal user base among both buyers and sellers. That can be a plus for the site, as well as a challenge whenever it attempts a change like this, against which its tight-knit, caring community might rebel.