Dive Brief:
Apple Inc. has halved the time it takes for web customers to complete returns and receive refunds.
The retailer has begun using FedEx 2Day prepaid labels to get returns to its warehouses in three days and enable a completed return in less than a week, compared to 10 days previously.
The speedier returns are going beyond holiday-time policies and are an unusual investment, according to retail research firm StellaService, which tracks orders and returns at several retailers. The firm discovered the new policies, which have not been officially confirmed by Apple.
Dive Insight:
Delivery speed is becoming a way for retailers to gain an edge over competitors, but returns are usually not a priority. In fact, slower returns, especially for retailers that offer free shipping and free returns, have been a way for companies to save money on shipping. Apple Inc. appears to be shaking that up, and may be introducing a new trend in fulfillment options.