Cell Phones – The latest research shows that the modern technology and cell phones in particular, are responsible for exposing you to approximately 100 million times as much artificial Electro Magnetic Field (EMF) radiation as your grandparents. The exposure level is growing every year as cell phones do more and are used more.
This type of radiation is thought to have an effect on the brain cells, although research is still ongoing and the specific affects of exposure to this type of radiation is not yet confirmed. It is noticeable as warmth on your ear and around the side of your head after a lengthy phone call.
Although cell phones are associated with this radiation, the EMF is actually present around any piece of electrical equipment. The products which have been developed by Aires Technology (http://www.airestech.com/lp/emf-protection/) are designed to combat all forms of electromagnetic radiation. They work by utilizing the theory that energy cannot simple arrive and vanish; instead it is converted into an alternate form. The products designed by Aires Technology work to transform the EMF signals emitting from your own body and use these signals to neutralize the effects of EMF radiation coming from a variety of sources in your home and office.
The radiation protection products designed by Aires Technology can be purchased in a variety of sizes. The smaller piece is designed for use on your person and can offer complete protection whilst travelling. The middle product is designed for larger electrical items; such as a laptop or desktop computer. Finally the universal radiation protection product is designed to be used to protect you from all devices in a property; although it is best to use it in conjunction with the other products to ensure you are completely protected, wherever you are.
About Aires technologies
The firm sells its products along with additional information on their well designed and maid out website; http://www.airestech.com. The company was created in the year 2000 and has devoted over twelve years to researching the effects of EMF on the body and how to counteract its effects. These products are a culmination of this research and provide the perfect way to protect you and your loved ones from this potentially harmful type of radiation. They have several patents listed and more in process and have been recognised as providing a superior product, the effects of which can be positively felt in your body.