Dive Brief:
- The number of marketing e-mails jumped 24.8% in the third quarter compared to the same quarter of 2014, according to Experian Marketing Services, with retailer e-mails up 27.6%.
- More people opened their promotional e-mails at the same time—17.5%, up from 16.7% during the third quarter of 2014.
- While the percentage of e-mails that lead to a conversion directly is a scant 0.05%, 37% of brands are seeing growth in revenues per e-mail sent, Experian says.
Dive Insight:
While e-mail continues to have low conversion rates, marketers are finding that it can still be effective in driving revenues, according to a new study from Experian Marketing Services. More than a third of brands surveyed (37%) reported increases in revenue per e-mail sent in the third quarter, Experian says.
More (and more targeted) e-mails are getting sent every day. Numbers of promotional e-mails were up 24.8% in the third quarter of 2015, with retailers sending 27.6% more messages. While incomplete, early figures from the holiday season indicate that the flood of e-mail is increasing, with retailers sending 36.4% more messages and still maintaining conversion rates.
Brands able to increase revenues via e-mail promotions are leveraging data to better target customers, Experian indicates. And for many consumers, checking out the latest deals in one’s inbox has become something of a ritual—one that’s a lot less intrusive and manageable than pop-up ads or native content.