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Toys R Us continues to increase summer sales via bigger QR code push

Toys R Us is using QR codes to promote more than 20 of its large outdoor items and is letting consumers visualize how the product would work and look in their own backyards.

Since many of the outdoor items are too large to display in-store, Toys R Us is using in-store signage that lets consumers scan the QR code of a product in which they are interested. According to the retailer, this is its largest QR code program to date.

“Customers are increasingly using their smartphones while shopping to find details on the products they are looking to purchase,” said Meghan Kennedy, a spokeswoman for Toys R Us, Wayne, NJ.

“With these QR codes, Toys R Us is providing customers with an engaging in-store experience that allows them to see these outdoor items, which are too large to display within our stores, in action,” she said. is the Web portal for Toys R Us Inc., one of the biggest toy retailers in the world. The company operates 1,550 stores, including 849 Toys R Us and Babies R Us stores in the United States and more than 700 international stores in 33 countries.

Toys in action
The QR code implementation is meant to help Toys R Us customers see the backyard toys in action.

Consumers can scan the mobile bar code next to the product with their mobile device to view video footage or images of the item fully set up.

Additionally, many of the products have corresponding videos that showcase kids playing with the summer toys.

Many of the outdoor items featuring QR codes include trampolines from Bravo Sports, pools from Summer Escapes by Polypool and a variety of products from Step 2, such as sandboxes, slides, clubhouses and picnic tables.

“The display is prominently positioned in Toys R Us stores across the country for the summer months,” Ms. Kennedy said. “Customers can simply scan the QR code of the product they are interested in with their smartphone to view video footage or images of the item fully set up.

“Many of the products have corresponding videos that showcase kids playing with these fun summer toys,” she said.

Past initiatives
Last year, Toys R Us rolled out a virtual store that let consumers scan QR codes featured on billboards and shop the company’s 2011 Hot Toy List.

On-the-go commuters and travelers in the New York metro area were encouraged to take part in the initiative.

Billboards located in John F. Kennedy International Airport, LaGuardia Airport and nearly 40 NJ Transit Stations feature the showcased items (see story).

QR codes are a hot commodity and the technology is helping marketers bridge the digital and traditional world.

“We continue to look for ways to enhance our mobile capabilities and provide a seamless shopping experience for our customers,” Ms. Kennedy said.

Final Take
Rimma Kats is associate editor on Mobile Commerce Daily, New York