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Randall-Reilly launches mobile coupon app to help truckers save while on the road

Media company Randall-Reilly is rolling out a truck stop coupon application, helping truckers and other motorists take advantage of discounted products and services while on the road.

Consumers will be able to locate, clip, print and share coupons from more than 5,000 truck stops across America. The application is available for the iPhone and versions for BlackBerry and Android will be available in upcoming months.

“Our strategy was to provide a useful tool for the motoring public to view specials and coupons which are available at truck stops across the country,” said Robert Lake, senior vice president of acquisitions and business development at Randall-Reilly, Tuscaloosa, AL.
“This app is perfect for the millions of truck drivers who spend their entire day on our nation’s interstates,” he said. “The app is also a helpful tool for the individuals driving an RV, the family traveling on a weekend trip or the business traveler – these consumers are currently frequenting travel centers and truck stops by the millions each day.”

Randall-Reilly provides information focused on the trucking and construction industries. 

Truck stop savings
Truck stops can update an unlimited number of coupons daily on the application’s parent site

The application can locate truck stops within a 50-mile radius of the phone, show available coupons at all locations within the radius and provide detailed route and turn-by-turn driving directions to any of the 5,000 truck stops in the database.

Truckers can find coupons and sales specials offered by truck stops and add coupons and sales specials to their favorites.

“The plain fact is that people want to save money whenever possible, but if it takes too much effort the consumer will not participate,” Mr. Lake said. “That is why the iPhone app was a natural fit.

“It is our job to help our partners find and keep good customers and this app is part of that long-term strategy,” he said. “We do not view this app or the many others which we are developing in any other way.

“Will we increase our market share and deepen our relationships with advertisers in our current media properties and the truck stop owners, by using this tool to enhance communication with the targeted end user.”

Here is a screen grab of the application:

Mobile road coupons
Consumers can search for truck stops by highway, exit number or by city.

Additionally, users can add truck stops to their My Truck Stops list and view truck stop locations on a map.

There is also a “call the truck stop” feature, where the user can automatically call any truck stop.

“We are not at this time focusing on the development of an app for the iPad until the user base increases,” Mr. Lake said. “We will have this app ready for the Droid and BlackBerry in the next few months.

“We are in the process of developing several other apps which are more focused on the truck driver and enhancing his experience while on the road in the upcoming months,” he said.