ARCHIVES: This is legacy content from before Industry Dive acquired Mobile Commerce Daily in early 2017. Some information, such as publication dates, may not have migrated over. Check out our topic page for the latest mobile commerce news.

Luxury Daily launches as luxury brands embrace online, mobile

We would like to invite you to subscribe to Luxury Daily, a new trade publication focused on how luxury brands conduct their marketing and commerce efforts across mediums, including online, mobile, in-store and print.

Luxury Daily is Napean’s third publication, available at The first, Mobile Marketer, is the leading trade publication for mobile marketing, media and commerce. Its sibling, Mobile Commerce Daily, is similarly the top publication for mobile commerce news and analysis. Both daily titles are read widely nationwide and overseas.

The new title focuses on luxury brands and their marketing and retail campaigns spanning online and mobile advertising, social media, search marketing, email, ecommerce and mobile commerce sites, video, print magazines, in-store innovations, out of home, broadcast, mail and catalogs.

Why the focus on luxury in this economy? Because luxury brands, of all marketers, understand the value of marketing to stoke desire and move product or service, in good times or bad. While luxury brands may not typically lead the charge in marketing, they certainly understand product quality, customer service and brand positioning better than others.

Luxury Daily will offer campaign coverage, case studies, opinion and analysis, research and the latest industry news that affects luxury marketers.

Please reach out to reporters Elizabeth Zelesny ([email protected]; beats: automotive, consumer electronics, consumer packaged goods, financial services, media/publishing, software and technology, telecommunications, travel and hospitality, real estate, retail and sports) and Rachel Lamb([email protected]; beats: apparel and accessories, arts and entertainment, education, food and beverage, fragrance and personal care, government, healthcare, home furnishings, jewelry, legal/privacy and nonprofits).

Feel free to also contact this writer on [email protected] for opinion pieces and column submissions. For advertising on Luxury Daily, please email [email protected] and you will get quick response. We would love to hear from you and work together to offer news and analysis that shift the needle for effective cross-channel luxury marketing.

An edition of Luxury Daily

Please click here to read Luxury Daily. To subscribe, please click here. You never know what tips or leads you might end up with that will make a difference in the way you run your business or division. Read about the newsmakers and soon become one of them.

Mickey Alam Khan
Editor in Chief
Mobile Marketer
Mobile Commerce Daily
Luxury Daily

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