How to monetize an SMS campaign – Luxury Daily
Jaguar shakes up brand image with comprehensive multichannel Alive campaign
British automaker Jaguar is recharging its batteries with a label makeover set in motion with a multichannel “Alive” campaign.
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Where luxury marketers need to step it up in the purchase journey
Luxury brands desperately need to step up their marketing efforts during the post-purchase components of the purchase journey, since they may be missing out on a chance to turn brand loyalists into brand advocates.
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How to monetize an SMS campaign
SMS campaigns are one of the best ways to build customer loyalty and, by doing so, driving sales to different channels including mobile, online and in-store.
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Google, Apple try to shift focus to app developers in ongoing privacy debate
Mobile application developers have been put on notice by the state of California and a handful of mobile platforms that they need to be more forthcoming about the data they are collecting from users.
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Net-A-Porter, mobile growth, Hermès and China – News briefs
Today in luxury marketing: Net-A-Porter makes move into China; Mobile retail growth up 87 percent; Hermès loses China trademark dispute; China turns to domestic luxury brands.
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StoryBranding: Creating stand-out brands through the power of story
Stories have been, and still are, the most persuasive tools in the arsenal of human communications. Why?
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