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EBay expands fashion mobile app globally

The app is now available in Germany and Canada. In addition to the global expansion, eBay has also updated the mobile app with new features.

“EBay mobile delivers innovative experiences to help fashion enthusiasts discover, share and shop from around the world – anytime, anywhere they want,” said Steve Yankovich, vice president of eBay Mobile.

“We know our users often prefer to search for fashion by brand, especially when they are on the go and only have a few minutes,” he said.

“The eBay Fashion app now includes a popular brands section so users can easily browse apparel and accessories from top designers.”

New enhancements
The eBay Fashion app lets consumers search and browse by popular brands. From there, users can see a list of the top 25 most searched brands on eBay.

The app now also supports Canadian and German transactions and serves consumers specific inventory.

Consumers can also now view the app through a default grid view, which can be changed back to list view with a single swipe.

Mobile shopping
Over the past few years, eBay has been ramping up its mobile commerce efforts.

To date, the company claims that there are 11,000 new items listed on eBay mobile globally every hour.

The company also saw that within the United States, a pair of women’s shoes or a handbag is bought via mobile every 30 seconds.

This proves that mobile commerce is on the rise and will not slow down anytime soon.

“With the eBay Fashion app’s improved navigation, when a shopper notices another woman’s handbag across 5th or Michigan Avenue, she can purchase it before reaching the end of the block,” Mr. Yankovich said.

“And knowing that fashion is the top shopped category for eBay mobile across the globe, we extended the availability of the app to other countries,” he said.

“Now shoppers in the US, UK, DE & CA can enjoy all of eBay Fashion whenever and wherever inspiration strikes.”

Final Take
Rimma Kats is associate editor on Mobile Commerce Daily, New York