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Baked by Melissa sweetens mobile repertoire with iPhone app

Earlier this year, the company unveiled an iPad app that also lets them create their own sweet treats. The new app is part of the company’s ongoing effort to reach as many on-the-go consumers as possible.

“We have introduced our iPhone app with the intent of bringing the Baked by Melissa experience not only to our customers’ PCs and tablets, but now directly to their pockets as well,” said Matt Baer, cofounder/president of design and technology at Baked by Melissa.

“As we’ve seen over the last few years, users are gradually allocating more of their time online on their mobile device rather than on their PC,” he said. “Whether you’re trying to locate a store, create your own custom cupcake, or simply find out more information about Baked by Melissa, now you can do it in a few simple clicks, rather than waiting until you reach your home or office.

Baked by Melissa is a New York bakery that specializes in bite-sized stuffed cupcakes.

Sweet treat
Through the iPhone application, consumers can create their own concoctions and order them on the spot, as well as purchase other cupcakes such as Baked by Melissa’s Mini of the Month.

The app also includes a Magic Cam feature that unlocks hidden magic inside every box of Baked by Melissa cupcakes.

Additionally, there is a store locator feature that includes an interactive map and helps consumers find the nearest Baked by Melissa location.

A mobile application such as this is a smart move for the company.

Consumers are constantly on their mobile devices. Therefore, giving them an option to buy products – no matter how big or small – is crucial.

Cupcakes for all
Baked by Melissa is no stranger to mobile.

Earlier this year, the company rolled out an iPad application.

Through the iPad app, consumers can order any of the company’s standard cupcake flavors, the Mini of the Month or a cupcake of their creation.

Users can also post their cupcake to the Baked by Melissa public gallery, share it on Facebook with friends and family and buy the cupcakes for orders of 300 or more (see story).

“One of the most innovative features of our new iPhone app is our augmented reality experience which we are calling Magic Tags,” Mr. Baer said. “We are at the very beginning of seeing a new trend in augmented reality and how it can enhance the retail experience.

“We’ve seen companies like Lego implement this technology through stand-alone kiosks and webcams, but for the first time we’re now seeing it implemented on mobile devices as well,” he said. “Order a box of Baked by Melissa cupcakes, and you’ll discover a hidden Magic Tag within your order.

“By activating the Magic Cam on the iPhone app and pointing it at a Magic Tag, you’ll uncover a very cool augmented experience where you can directly interact with our cupcakes, find out fun facts, and even enjoy a fireworks show directly within your box of cupcakes.”

Final Take
Rimma Kats is associate editor on Mobile Commerce Daily, New York