Pacagen, Inc., a biotechnology startup aiming to revolutionize the way people interact with their pets, has just announced the launch of their Cat Allergen Neutralizing Spray. By incorporating nanobody technology into the Cat Allergen Neutralizing Spray, Pacagen introduced a new way of managing indoor cat allergen levels. After months of behind-the-scenes product design and testing, this milestone marks Pacagen’s entry into the consumer goods space.
Research indicates that roughly 20% of human adults are allergic to cats, with the number steadily increasing every year*. One study further suggests that as many as 19% of owners who rehomed or relinquished their cat did so due to their (or a member of their household’s) cat allergies**. As cat ownership continues to grow in the U.S., there is a clear and demonstrated need for better allergen management products to ensure that all prospective cat owners can adopt a cat without fear of an allergic reaction.
Academia has been aware of nanobody technology’s applications in research and therapeutic contexts for decades, but commercial availability was not feasible due to a variety of production constraints. New breakthroughs in the field, however, drastically loosened these constraints, allowing consumer goods companies such as Pacagen to leverage this exciting branch of biotechnology.
Pacagen’s Cat Allergen Neutralizing Spray is the first in a line of products geared towards allergy-sufferers. By deactivating the allergy-causing properties of cat allergens, the Cat Allergen Neutralizing Spray makes sure that everyone can enjoy the company of a cat without allergens in the way. The Cat Allergen Neutralizing Spray is available now in single or double packs via the company’s website.
Pacagen has also committed to developing similar products for dog allergens and dust allergens, the three of which will form Pacagen’s first line of allergen neutralizing products. The projected launch date for these products is August 2024.
* Sparkes, Andrew H. “Human allergy to cats: A review of the impact on CAT ownership and relinquishment.” Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, vol. 24, no. 1, 8 Oct. 2021, pp. 43–52,
** Salman, M.D., et al. “Human and animal factors related to relinquishment of dogs and cats in 12 selected animal shelters in the United States.” Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science, vol. 1, no. 3, July 1998, pp. 207–226,
Pacagen, Inc. is a biotechnology startup CPG brand, with a focus on the pet niche. Founded in mid-2023, Pacagen aims to launch its first full suite of products by August 2024. Based out of Cambridge, Massachusetts, the hub of biotechnology, Pacagen is committed to incorporating the latest developments in biotechnology into its products. Pacagen's products are available exclusively through their website: