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Tango Card app encourages consumers to use their gift cards

Customers include gift cards in their accounts and when they are first added, the Tango Meter for that card is green. Using a proprietary algorithm, a card may then turn yellow and ultimately red if the card’s balance does not change, indicating a high risk that a specific card’s value may never be used.

“Tango Card is the first company whose primary focus is helping people use all of the value on gift cards they own,” said David Leeds, founder/CEO of Tango Card, Seattle, WA. “We launched our iPhone app in September 2009. 

“The app ensures people can store all of their gift card information in one place,” he said. “They can then use this information for online and in-store purchases in many cases. Additionally, for dozens of retailers, Tango Card can provide real-time balances. 

“This lets the customer know exactly what value they have on their cards. Having this information at all times really helps ensure that when someone could use a gift card, they have it with them.”

Here is a screen grab of the application:

The Tango Card service prompts users to use their gift cards.

Basically, the Tango Card provides consumers with a tool to manage and use gift cards and is the first company whose primary focus is helping people use the value of the cards they own.

Research shows, and Tango Card customers have said, that if they do not use (or forget to use) their Gift Cards shortly after receiving them, they may never use them.

Tango Card developed the Tango Meter specifically to address this problem.

The Tango Meter provides a quick and simple visual clue that identifies a Gift Card whose balance has not changed in several months.  This ultimately prompts people to use a card the Tango Meter flags as “risky,” a card that may ultimately never be used.

Here is another screen grab of the application:

The Tango Card application is for anyone who owns and uses gift cards.

Almost everyone over the age of 13 receives at least one gift card these days. 

The Tango Card application has been most successful with people that own three or more gift cards. 

The company’s current customer base is about 40 percent men and 60 percent women.

“We do not currently offer gift cards for sale on the app,” Mr. Leeds said. “However, many of our customers have asked us to do this and have recommended we carry certain very strong brand cards.

“We will likely offer cards for sale on initially and then potentially extend this to the iPhone app,” he said. “Currently, people find the app through search words, word of mouth, and press about Tango Card. 

“We will likely not be using advertising specifically to promote the iPhone app in 2010. We may advertise the app as part of broader advertising programs in 2011 and beyond.”